Ohio START is led, managed and administered by the Public Children Services Association of Ohio. PCSAO is a membership-driven association of Ohio’s county Public Children Services Agencies that advocates for sound public policy, promotes program excellence, and builds public value for safe children, stable families, and supportive communities.

Angela Sausser
Executive Director

Fawn Gadel

Marla Himmeger
Program Manager

Jennifer McClellan
Evaluation & Performance Manager

Jennifer Millisor
Regional Manager

Christine Morris
Regional Manager

Ghadir Amin
Initiatives Coordinator
County Staff
Each County implementing Ohio START has their own START team within the county. Teams are made up of Caseworkers, Family Peer Mentors, Supervisors, Administrators, and Behavioral Health Providers. To get in contact with your local START team, contact the local public children services agency (PCSA) for more information.