Our Mission

We approach Substance Use Disorders with compassion, understanding and hope for recovery. We work as a team, supporting and holding each other accountable. We believe in family, love and redemption.


Our Philosophy


The Ohio Sobriety Treatment and Reducing Trauma (START)

START is a children-services-led initiative that has been shown, when implemented with fidelity, to improve outcomes for both parents and children affected by child maltreatment and parental substance use disorders. The model is specifically designed to transform the system of care within and between child welfare agencies and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers and other family serving systems and agencies. START uses a family centered approach and services that help the child, parents and the entire family. START recognizes that SUD/addiction is a family disease, recovery occurs in the context of families and adult recovery should have a parent-child component.


Ohio START emphasizes a wraparound approach for at-risk parents

This project creates an opportunity for a new best practice model designed to lead to better outcomes for children and families impacted by opiates and other drugs. The overall goal of this model is to stabilize families harmed by parental drug use so that both children and their parents can recover and move forward with abuse-free and addiction-free lives. Ohio START integrates community partners to ensure the seamless provision of wraparound services.


Our History

Ohio began the implementation of the Ohio Sobriety Treatment and Reducing Trauma (START) model in April 2017. Ohio START was created through the office of then Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine in partnership with the Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO) as a response to the opioid epidemic that was decimating Ohio families. Ohio START is housed at and led by PCSAO.  Implementation of the model began with 17 counties in Appalachian Ohio. Since that initial cohort of 17 Appalachian counites, the model has spread throughout the state of Ohio and is now being implemented in 54 counties.


START added a fifth cohort and operates in a total of 54 counties across Ohio.


START expanded to 6 additional counties.


START expanded to 14 additional counties.


START expanded to 15 additional counties.


Ohio START was piloted in 17 counties in southern Appalachia Ohio.


The START model expanded and began implementation in Kentucky .


START (Sobriety, Treatment, and Recovery Teams) began operation in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio